Saturday, March 5, 2011

LIBRARIES- Please help. I need you!!

Would you please help us?
We would love to have you help us and spread some information about Apollo.
There are many people in America that do not know that we landed on the moon including our children.

Can we change that? Yes, we can. One library at a time.

Would you like to join our group in spreading the word?

I have a number of people helping me but I need you, too.

Apollo is a great shining achievement of mankind and
we Americans did it!
Let’s celebrate our nation and our great people.
There is a website
Click on the link: Public Libraries. All 50 states are on this site.

Just search for your state or any other state you like.

There will be a list of all libraries in the state by city and county.

You can either print out any page or just find a library and write down their phone #. ANY library is good. You can contact ANY library in ANY state. You do not have to be a member.

With one phone call you can give this information:

Ask for the acquisitions person or ask who buys their books.

Give: 1. Your name

2. Could you please add this book to your library: “Something Funny Happened on the Way to the Moon.” ?

The book is Adult non-fiction. It is a rare story of one of the only two women who were engineers on the Saturn V during Apollo.

3. Magic words: This book is in the Smithsonian Library and is a great chapter in American and women's history.
This book has been sold in nine countries including England, Scotland, New Zealand, Australia, Japan and Russia.
Libraries are adding this to their collections every day. Then give the librarian a brief description such as “A light-hearted look at the people who were on the ground and who built the greatest rocket in history.”

The book can be found on Amazon and is in paperback as well as in e-book format. It is in the World Cat and  on Google Books.

4. The librarian can find who their distributors are and they can order the book from them. The usual ones are Baker & Taylor and Ingram.

5. Thank them for their consideration. That’s it! Done.

You can say anything you want. The purpose is to place the book in their library.

It took me much longer to type this than it takes to make a phone call or two.

I timed it and this less than 5 minutes for a call.

I would call every library in the country if I could but I would be dead before then. (smile)

In just a few minutes you could help contact a library.

All I am asking is that you make at least one phone call at your convenience.
Some are calling a library once a day or a few a week.

Also, would you mind sending this on to your friends and family and ask them to help?
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

                                          MY BELOVED SATURN V

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