Thursday, June 19, 2008

Test Stands at the Stennis Test Site

One of the test stands at the Stennis Test Site formerly known as the Mississippi Test Site. Aerial view of Stennis.

At the top are pictures of engine/stage testing. Every stage and engine is thoroughly tested for our space programs. I wish that I could show everyone a video of our stage (the S-IC) being test fired in the 1960s.
This video is so dramatic it is hard to believe. I am going to work on that and hope to have something posted soon.


  1. Hi Sara, I love your blog. I was 6 when Apollo 11 landed and the Apollo project filled the lives of me and my friends for a long time. A couple of years (maybe more) after much wrangling my father allowed me to join a book club so I could get three books, one was a dictionary, one I don't remember but the final one was a small badly written, badly printed book about the (must have been prelaunch) space station. In those "pre-teen boys own" years NASA cut deep.

    I have only one suggestion for your blog - have you thought of choosing a different template - the small letters are just a little hard to make out against the background.

  2. Thank you, bad base for your kind comments. I am happy to find someone else that loves Apollo. There are now many, many books about Apollo. Look on and Abe I feel very alone because people today do not seem to care about the greatest achievement in the history of mankind. As to another template, I can fix the size of the type any time. I will do so when I can. Thank you again.
    Sara Howard
